St Cadoc’s Patronal Festival Meal – 22nd September 2019
To celebrate the life of St Cadoc, a group of us went to Greenmeadow Golf Club to enjoy a super patronal meal. St Cadoc is the patron saint of deafness, glandular disorders, and famine victims. He was martyred in 580 A.D. His feast day is 21st September. Many thanks to Barbara Samuel who worked so…
DetailsTaize Service at All Saints, 29th September at 4pm
Everyone welcome!
Away Day to Hereford, Saturday 14th September 2019
A great Ministry Area trip to Hereford, with a guided tour of the cathedral followed by a cream tea. To end the day a wonderful choral evensong with the combined choirs of Hereford Cathedral and Her Majesty’s Chapel Royal, St. James’s Palace. Many thanks to Julio and Carolyne for organising the trip.
DetailsDementia Awareness Training – 12th June 2019
Many thanks to Robert Aitken who led the Ministry Area Dementia Awareness Training at St Cadoc’s today. A great opportunity to learn, ask questions, and share ideas to become dementia friendly churches, supporting one another and the local community. A great day!