Food, Fun and Friendship at the Harvest Supper!
Just a few photos following our happy evening of fellowship as we celebrate God’s good gifts around us!
DetailsJust a few photos following our happy evening of fellowship as we celebrate God’s good gifts around us!
DetailsA wonderful Harvest service with praise, songs and thanksgiving by the children of Ponthir Church in Wales school at All Saints, Llanfrechfa.
You are invited to our Pre-Advent Bible Study, ‘Angels’ in Art … in Scripture … in Music A three session study led by Reverend Elaine Hills on how we can better understand God’s angels and archangels through the ways that they have been portrayed throughout the ages. The discussion will be based on scripture and…
DetailsThe new stained glass window in memory of the late Jon Abbott and Denis and Joyce Drew has been installed at All Saints church, Llanfrechfa. You are all welcome to join us at the Joint Service at 10.30am on Sunday, 22nd October for the dedication of the new window. Reverend Kevin Lake will officiate.
DetailsAs part of the Harvest celebrations at St Cadoc’s, the Sunday school children made hands to ‘pick the fruit of the vine’.
Our wonderful Harvest Service took place at St Cadoc’s on Sunday 1st October, when we came together as a church to celebrate all the gifts God has given us. We were surrounded by beautiful flowers. It was a lovely service and it was good to see so many of you there.
DetailsOn Friday 8th September 2017 a happy band of pilgrims, including four members of the congregation of St Cadoc’s, set out on a visit to our Link Diocese of the Highveld in South Africa. During our nine days in the diocese we visited many of the projects run by HABSR (Highveld Anglican Board of Social Responsibility),…
DetailsServices continue on the second Sunday of the month at St Tegfedd’s at 9.15am. But we also have Harvest Festival, Remembrance Sunday and Christmas coming up – so here are the dates of services for the rest of 2017 for your diary: Sunday 13th August at 9.15am – Eucharist Sunday 10th September at 9.15am – Eucharist…
DetailsDate for your diary – Llanhennock Quiz – 22nd September 2017 @ 18.00pm More information later.
DetailsThe Winners of the July 2017 draw of the Llanhenwg 100 Club were: 1st Prize Ruth Davies (108) – £30.00 2nd Prize Jean Taylor (163) – £20.00 Anyone interested in joining our 100 club (£12 per annum) please contact Gerry Hawkins 07881 786919 or