A Gift To The Diocese of the Highveld
Last night at the Cathedral Archdeacon Ambrose presented a cheque for £20,000 to Bishop Charles of the Highveld, our link diocese in South Africa. The money was raised by the Bishop of Monmouth’s Lent Appeal and will be used to support projects in Mayflower, near the border with Swaziland, which were visited by a group of…
DetailsCaerphilly Mothers Union come to visit.
As part of their annual outing, Caerphilly MU visited St Cadoc’s on Monday for evensong following lunch at The Priory, and a visit to Caerleon Museum. Thank you, Margaret Ellis, for providing such an informative talk at the museum and Sue Rivers for arranging the trip! Thank you to the wonderful ladies at St.Cadoc’s who…
DetailsReverend Elaine’s Final Service and Retirement as Associate Priest for the Ministry Area
A glorious Festal Evensong at St Cadoc’s for Reverend Elaine’s retirement and final service as Associate Priest in the Caerleon Ministry. A packed church, choir on top form and moving sermon by Canon Arthur Edwards, all followed by a fabulous reception at Charles Williams Church in Wales school.
DetailsReverend Elaine Hills Retirement July 2018
….and so the celebrations begin, our very own special Reverend Elaine is approaching ‘redirection’ (aka retirement, but you never actually retire from this job). We took her out for a lovely meal to show her how fabulous she is and to say a big fat juicy thank you for all she has done !!